Julie's 5 Daily Non-Negotiables

Hi friends! I hope your weekend was wonderful! Our family was sick last week and had a bit of a COVID scare, but luckily we all tested negative!! Though we had to cancel the family vacation we had planned for last week, we are very grateful to all be healthy again. This week on the blog I wanted to share about something I discussed a few weeks ago when my friend, Heather Adams of Choice Media, interviewed me for her podcast, “This Intentional Life”. You may remember Heather from an “On the Couch with Julie” interview a couple weeks ago, but she asked me a fabulous question- one that I think is worth asking ourselves to make sure that we are aware of the things in life that are significant to our day-to-day and help us function best. What are your five daily non-negotiables? In other words, what are five things that you engage in every single day that are a part of your routine and are significant to how you live and function? In an effort to help you guys get to know me better, I thought I would share my own.

Julie’s 5 Non-Negotiables

1.) I start my day with Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope- A podcast by Pastor Rick Warren that I listen to in the car as I’m on my way to work each morning. The messages are short but chock-full of great words of wisdom and encouragements that help me to start off the day on the right foot.

2.) Orange Theory- I have never really been one to be obsessed with working out or fitness, but I have gotten into Orange Theory over the past year and am obsessed! We have several locations around my office and home, so I always make an effort to squeeze in a workout if I can. It helps me in so many ways, physically, emotionally, and mentally to workout each day.

3.) Reading with Gus- Between working and all the other things that I have going on each day, I make an effort to devote time to spend with just Gus every day. Reading has been one constant that Gus and I both really enjoy. We actually did a roundup of some of our favorite kids books on our Amazon storefront page that we’ll link here if you’re interested.

4.) Bath Time with Marlowe- If you keep up with me on Instagram, then you have probably seen my “Bath Time Confessions” stories of Marlowe and me. Again, doing bath time with Marlowe each night gives me dedicated time each day for us to be together. The bonus is when we do “bubbles” aka bath time, she is captive, and I don’t have to chase her for a few minutes!

5.) Prayer- Another non-negotiable that is a vital part of how I work and function each day. There’s not necessarily a specific time of day I block out for this, but rather it’s more of an ongoing conversation with God throughout each day. The past few months have been challenging for me becasue I thrive with a plan, a list, and a timeline. But I feel on the days that I try to do it all by myself I fall short. Prayer has given me hope and focus that is so very needed for me right now. xoxo

Thanks for reading!

We hope you have a fabulous week and that this prompts you to think about what 5 things that are vital to your day-to-day life or even add some new routines that will be helpful to you!

Talk to you next time!!

