Trend vs Timeless...

Hi friends! It’s been a crazy season and a crazy busy few weeks at JCI, but we’re back on the blog this week to talk a little bit more about design trends versus timeless finishes that will stand the test of time. So often in the design world, we get stuck on something trendy, like the accent wall of the early 2000’s or green carpet in the 80’s. It can be hard to differentiate what’s here to stay versus what’s timeless and won’t stick out like a sore thumb a few years down the road. Here are a couple of areas to think about in terms of whether they’re trends or timeless:

1.) Wallpaper- Lots of people associate wallpaper with the horrible striped paper with a floral border from their grandma’s house, but the truth is, wallpaper, when done right, is here to stay! We are huge proponents of wallpaper at JCI. Some tips to avoid trendy and stick with timeless are to 1) opt for grasscloth- grasscloth is a good neutral, safe bet that adds some texture and interest, but doesn’t feel as busy as a pattern or print. You may look back at a patterned wallpaper you picked in a few years and regret the investment, but a grasscloth is a safe choice that you won’t get tired of. 2) Don’t do the whole wallpaper accent wall thing… Trust us, this screams trendy.

2.) Paint colors- It seems like every year a new article comes out about how “gray is out” or “ black is in”… We’re here to tell you that neutrals are always here to stay. If you want a safe option that you aren’t going to get tired of in a few years, opt for a neutral. Honestly, we paint so many of our client’s homes white because it kind of “goes away” and lets the other elements, furniture, accessories, art, speak for themselves. Next time you read online that “white kitchens are out”… don’t fret! Neutrals are timeless.

3.) Identify what elements or looks you’ve consistently loved over the years, and opt for those in your home. What’s trendy vs timeless often has so much more to do with our own perspectives than what an article or Facebook post says. Good luck!

Thanks for reading! We’ll talk to you next time!! xx- JCI Team